Sideroblastic Anemia
Sideroblastic Anemia is anemia associated with mithochondrial iron loading in erythroid precursors in the bone marrow and also associated with defective production of red blood cells. Causes of this type of anemia include:
a. Congenital defect (Hereditary Sex linked, autosomal in males)
b. Adquired defect
c. Association with malignant disordes like Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, Polycythemia vera, Myeloma or Myelodysplastic disorders.
d. Secondary to drugs like chloramphenicol,after chemotherapy,toxins like alcohol and chronic lead poisoning.
For the diagnosis of this type of anemia we based the variable red cell indices, microcytic hypochromic, increased serum iron, increased serum ferritin and ringed sideroblast in a bone marrow aspirate. The body have adequate iron but is unable to incorporate it into the hemoglobin synthesis. At least 10% of people with this disorder will develop Acute Leukemia (discussed further).
Ringed Sideroblast = Iron granules accumulates in the nucleus of the metarubricytes(Normoblast) forming this type of cells. Metarubricyte is one of the stage of the red blood cell development.
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